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ZOO 121

ZOO 121
Animal Body Plans and Evolution
Discuss some trends in animal evolution.
Explain the differences among the animal phyla.

Features of Body Plans Each animal phylum has a unique organization of body
structures called its “body plan.” The features of a body plan include
levels of organization: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
body symmetry:
radial symmetry: body parts extend from a central point
bilateral symmetry: left and right sides are mirror images, with front and back ends
differentiation of germ layers:
endoderm, the innermost layer
mesoderm, the middle layer
ectoderm, the outermost layer
formation of a cavity, or fluid-filled space between the digestive tract and the body wall:
• a true coelom (found in most complex animal phyla) develops in the mesoderm and is
lined with tissue derived from the mesoderm
• a pseudocoelom is only partially lined with mesoderm
• Some invertebrates lack a body cavity and some have only a primitive, jellylike layer
between the ectoderm and endoderm.
patterns of embryological development
• Sexually reproducing animals begin life as a zygote, or fertilized egg.
• The zygote develops into a hollow ball of cells, the blastula.
• The blastula folds in on itself and creates a tube that becomes the digestive tract; the tube
has a single opening, the blastopore:
In protostomes (most invertebrates), the blastopore becomes the mouth.
In deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms), the blastopore becomes the anus.
segmentation: repeated parts, such as the segments of worms
cephalization: the concentration of sense organs and nerves near the anterior (head) end
limb formation: external appendages such as legs, flippers, and wings
The Cladogram of Animals The features of body plans provide the evidence needed to
build a cladogram, or phylogenetic tree, of all animals. Animal phyla are usually defined by
their adult body plans and patterns of embryological development.
The characteristics of animals vary within each phylum.
Each phylum may be thought of as an “evolutionary experiment.” Phyla with successful
body plans have survived.
Features of Body Plans
Complete the table of main ideas and details about animal body plans.
Main Idea: Feature of Body Plan

Details: Important structures or patterns
of development
Levels of organization

Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
Body symmetry

None, radial, or bilateral

Germ layers

Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
Body cavity

None, pseudocoelom, or true coelom
Patterns of embryological
The zygote develops into a hollow ball of cells, the
• Protostomes: the blastopore becomes the mouth.
• Deuterostomes: the blastopore becomes the anus.

The concentration of sense organs and nerves near the
anterior (head) end
Repeated parts, such as the segments of worms
Limb formation

Limb formation
External appendages such as legs, flippers, and wings

*Bilateral explain an object that can be divided into two matching halves along one axis.
*Radial is an object that can be divided into equivalent segments by drawing a line through its center.

Difference between acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate animals. Label ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
The acoelomate show mesoderm and a digestive cavity, as in a flatworm.
The pseudocoelomate show a pseudocoelom and a digestive tract, as in a roundworm. The coelomate sketch should have a coelom and a digestive tract, as in an earthworm.

How Do We Study Evolutionary Relationships?
Systematics is the part of science that deals with grouping organisms and determining how they are related. It can be divided into two main branches:
  • Taxonomy focuses on classifying, naming, and grouping organisms. A group, or taxon, can be a population, a species, a genus, or a higher-level grouping, such as family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, or domain. The plural of taxon is taxa.
  • Phylogenetics is the study of determining evolutionary relationships, or patterns of descent of organisms.
All of the species of organisms that are alive today have descended from ancestral species. This is due to evolution, or simply change over time. The evolutionary relationships of ancestral species and their descendants can be diagrammed using branching evolutionary trees. Just like your family tree, an evolutionary tree indicates which ancestors gave rise to which descendants.

How to Read an Evolutionary Tree
An evolutionary tree can also be called a phylogenetic tree, or a just a phylogeny. There are many different ways to draw phylogenies, but they do all have certain parts that you must understand before you try to interpret them.
The root of a phylogeny represents the common ancestor of all the descendants in the tree. The descendant taxa are labeled at the tips of the tree. A node splits into two branches and indicates a divergence or speciation event. The node itself represents the common ancestor of any descendants that branch off of it. The two taxa that branch off at a node are called sister taxa. They share an immediate common ancestor. In this phylogeny, taxa B and C are sister taxa. They are both equally related to taxon A.
The branches of a phylogeny can be rotated around a node without changing evolutionary relationships. If you want to determine how two or more taxa are related, it is important to look at the nodes and branches in a tree and not just the ordering of descendant taxa. Sometimes the evolutionary relationships between taxa cannot be determined. This results in a phylogeny with a polytomy, or a node from which more than two groups split. A clade is a group that includes an ancestor and all of its descendants. Clades, also called monophyletic groups, can be nested in larger clades. For example, mammals are a monophyletic group because they all descended from a common ancestor. Within the mammals, there are also many smaller clades, such as primates or bats.

Not all groupings of organisms qualify as monophyletic. A paraphyletic group consists of an ancestor and only some of its descendants. Reptiles are animals like crocodiles, lizards, and snakes. This is actually a paraphyletic grouping because the ancestor that gave rise to all reptiles also gave rise to birds. If birds are added to the definition of reptiles, then it could be considered a monophyletic group.
A polyphyletic group is made up of various descendants with no recent common ancestor. Marine mammals are polyphyletic. Whales and seals are both marine mammals, but they are not closely related at all. Seals are more closely related to bears than they are to whales. Whales share a more recent common ancestor with deer than they do to seals.

Humans and Their Relatives
Now that you know how to read an evolutionary tree, let's look at a simple example using humans and their living relatives.
From this tree, you can see that humans and chimpanzees are sister taxa. Remember this means that they share a recent common ancestor with each other. Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees! Gorillas share a common ancestor with both humans and chimpanzees, but it is not as recent. Gorillas are just as closely related to chimpanzees as they are to humans. Of the species shown, orangutans are the most distantly related to humans.

Terminological difference
There are two approaches, (1) Evolutionary taxonomy and (2) Phylogenetic systematics derived from Willi Hennig. They differ in the use of the word eg "monophyletic". In evolutionary systematicists, "monophyletic" means only that a group is derived from a single common ancestor. In phylogenetic nomenclature, there is an added caveat that the ancestral species and all descendants should be included in the group. The term "holophyletic" has been proposed for the latter meaning. As an example, amphibians are monophyletic under evolutionary taxonomy, since they have arisen from fishes only once. Under phylogenetic taxonomy, amphibians do not constitute a monophyletic group in that the amniotes (reptiles, birds and mammals) have evolved from an amphibian ancestor and yet are not considered amphibians. Such paraphyletic groups are rejected in phylogenetic nomenclature, but are considered a signal of serial descent by evolutionary taxonomists.

Hierarchical Classification
Now that we know why scientific names are used and how they are written, let's look at the hierarchical system of creating these names. Linnaeus developed a system that went from broadest to most specific. The levels of classification he used are: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. You can see that genus and species are the two most specific categories, which is why they are used in binomial nomenclature to identify an organism. A good way to remember the order of classification from broadest to most specific is to use a mnemonic device. While there are countless mnemonic devices out there, I always remember the order using: Kings Play Chess On Fat Guys' Stomachs. The first letter of each word corresponds to the first letter of each level of organization, making it easy to remember.
A good way to think of how this system helps us identify groups of related organisms is to compare it to your address. You could identify very broadly where you live by just providing the continent, but you could also very specifically provide your house or apartment number. Let's look at an example of this comparing an address to the levels of organization used by Linnaeus. We can compare kingdom with the continent, phylum with the country, class with the state, order with the zip code, family with city, genus with street, and species with apartment number. We see here how this all lines up and helps to identify different levels. We could talk about all of the members of the same class just as we could talk about all of the people within one state, while you could more specifically talk about one species like you could talk about the people living in the same house.

The Six Kingdoms
A long time ago, scientists used just two kingdoms for the classification of living things: plants and animals. As our understanding of life has changed over the past few centuries, we have revised the kingdoms to reflect this. Currently, we use a six-kingdom setup. The kingdoms are: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. Each kingdom has specific characteristics allowing taxonomists to accurately group organisms.
We will look at the importance and evolutionary history of these six kingdoms later. For now, let's just distinguish between the six different kingdoms. They are classified based on their cell type and number as well as how they get food.
  • Archaebacteria are known as ancient bacteria. The prefix 'archae' means 'ancient,' making this one easy to remember. They are prokaryotic and unicellular.
  • Eubacteria are what you generally think of when you think of bacteria - such as E. coli and salmonella. The prefix 'eu' means 'true,' so these are true bacteria. They too are prokaryotic and unicellular but have different genetic compositions than their ancient predecessors.
  • Protista are small eukaryotic organisms that are grouped in somewhat of a hodge-podge group. They are generally broken up into three groups within the kingdom: plant-like, animal-like, and fungi-like.
  • Fungi were once grouped with plants but, among several other differences, are not capable of photosynthesis and are therefore not plants. They are eukaryotic and heterotrophic, meaning they have to consume food.
  • Plants are capable of photosynthesis, which is one of their defining characteristics, and are eukaryotic.
  • Animals are the largest kingdom and are all eukaryotic, multicellular, and heterotrophic.
The animal kingdom ranges from simple organisms like sponges to complex organisms like humans. We will look at some defining characteristics of animals as well as examples of both invertebrates and vertebrates.

Characteristics of Animals
Out of all six kingdoms, the animal kingdom is most likely the one that you already know the most about. After all, we are a part of this vast group. While the characteristics of animals vary greatly, there are a few things that they all share. Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that do not have cell walls, get their nutrients by ingestion, and are capable of movement.
With so many shared qualifications, it may be hard to imagine all the possible differences between the more than 1.3 million living species of animals. Because they are made of eukaryotic cells - those with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles - they are part of the Eukarya domain. 'Multicellular' means that they are made of many cells - not just one cell like their unicellular protozoan ancestors.
Animals and plant cells
Unlike plant cells, animal cells do not have cell walls.
Unlike the other kingdoms, animal cells do not have cell walls. While cell walls help protect cells, they also limit flexibility - something that is essential to the animal cells since these organisms are capable of movement. This movement is also permitted by the presence of both muscles and nerves.
As for reproduction, most animals reproduce sexually, though some species are capable of asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the formation of gametes - egg and sperm - as well as the union of these two cells to create genetically unique offspring. Most animals have sperm that are capable of movement due to the flagella, while the larger egg is not capable of movement.
Scientists are able to study embryos and have found that different animal species have very similar early stages of development - even though the mature organisms may be nothing alike. We can see below that the early embryos of several species look relatively the same but the mature organisms are completely different.
comparison of embryos
In the early stages of development, animals species look the same.

Four main characteristics classifying animals
There are four main characteristics that are used to classify animals: symmetry, body cavity, tissue, and vertebral column. Let's quickly take a look at some of these before we look at some examples of animals. The first characteristic is symmetry. Animals generally fall into two categories - they either have radial or bilateral symmetry. Organisms like sea stars have radial symmetry, while organisms such as humans have bilateral symmetry - as we can see here:
The two categories of symmetry in animals are radial and bilateral.

The next thing is body tissue. The more complex an organism is, the more distinctive layers of tissue it has. There are three main layers:
  • Ectoderm - the outermost layer
  • Endoderm - the innermost layer
  • Mesoderm - the middle layer
As for vertebral column, there are two key groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone, while vertebrates are animals with a backbone. As we look at the evolution of animals, we will first look at the more simple invertebrates and then consider the more complex vertebrates.

Evolution of Invertebrates
Let's look at some key evolutionary characteristics of invertebrates. Most of the pattern of evolution is from simple to more complex. Examples of simple invertebrates include things like mollusks and nematodes. Mollusks have a soft body and protective shell, such as snails, sea slugs, oysters, and squids. Nematodes are simple worms - not earthworms. Nematodes are organisms like hookworms and roundworms that often cause illnesses in humans. Nematodes are actually the most widespread group of animals, meaning they live in many different places.
Arthropods are more complex invertebrates that have a segmented body, hard exoskeleton, and jointed appendages. This group is often called the 'insects' but contains more than just bugs. There are more than 1 million different identified species of arthropods ranging from horseshoe crabs to spiders to centipedes to butterflies.

Another important group of invertebrates is the echinoderms. The name means 'spiny skin,' which is easy to remember due to some classic examples including starfish and sea urchins.

Evolution of Vertebrates
Remember that vertebrates are organisms that have a backbone. Like the invertebrates, the vertebrates have evolved to be more complex over time. Let's look at a few key groups of vertebrates, starting with the simplest forms of vertebrates - the lampreys. These organisms have a simple body plan and mouth. They are mostly parasites and latch on to other animals.
Evolutionary Biology:- The study of how evolution occurs; is the study of the origin of species as well as their change and diversity.
Diversity: The variety of species in a sample, community, or area.
over time. Evolutionary biologists synthesize the evidence generated by all of the other fields of biology (paleontology, ecology, anatomy, developmental biology, and genetics) to create a unified understanding of process of evolution as it occurred on Earth.
Evolutionary biologists use a method called phylogenetic analysis.
Taxon:- An organism or group of organisms of the same rank, e.g., members of an order, family, genus, or species. (pl. taxa) (the organisms under study, usually species) and characters                                                                                                                    Character:- A single attribute of an organism. (the traits and sequences for each organism) used in the analysis. The phylogeny is represented by a “tree” (also called a cladogram. Cladogram:- A tree diagram depicting patterns of shared characteristics and relationships of organisms, generated through phylogenetic analysis.), very similar in many aspects to a family tree or genealogy. The branching pattern indicates which organisms are closely related and which are more distantly related. The phylogeny is considered a hypothesis because its branching pattern can (and often does) change when taxa or characters are added, deleted, or changed. Each branch and its member taxa are called a clade.
A phylogenetic tree suggests the relationships among taxa and the pathways of character evolution.

What Are Body Plans?

Think different types of animals found on Earth. The diversity of animal life on Earth is indeed quite vast to be studied. We classify animals based on certain body structures as well as how those body structures are combined to make a whole animal. Together the organization and combination of body structures describes an animal's body plan. For example, you have legs, which is one of your body structures. But you are quite different from a crayfish, which also has legs! Our overall combination of body structures - our body plan - is not even close to that of a crayfish, even though we share some of the same structures. And this combination and organization of structures is how we differentiate between different types of animals.


Types of Symmetry

One of the most distinguishing features of animals is their body symmetry. This describes how an animal looks from one side to the other. Some animals have radial symmetry, which means that they look the same on all sides from the centre. Think of a bike wheel or pumpkin pie. No matter where you slice it, each piece looks the same as it radiates outward from the centre. Animals like sea anemones, corals and jellies have radial symmetry.
Most of the animals have bilateral symmetry. This is when each side of the animal looks like a mirror image of the other side. Mammals (including humans) have bilateral symmetry - if you folded us in half, one side would fit perfectly over the other as a mirror image. Crayfish has bilateral symmetry. Despite of these similarities, there are important differences between crayfish and man. Symmetry is important in animal function, and it tells us quite a bit about the animal's lifestyle. Animals with bilateral symmetry tend to have their brains, mouths and other sense organs (like eyes and ears) up in their heads. This allows them to have mobility - the head goes through the environment first with the eyes and ears ready to take in all of the activity around them.
In contrast, radially symmetric animals are designed for a sedentary lifestyle. Because they are the same on all sides, they're ready for whatever comes at them - no matter the direction of attack.


Body Cavities and Tissues

Another important feature that differentiates animals is whether or not they have a true body cavity, called a coelom. This is a space between the body tissues and internal organs, and it allows for independent movement and growth of those organs. In animals that don't have a coelom, the internal organs are attached to the tissues of the body wall, so they are not independent.  Some animals have a pseudocoelom, which is a body cavity not completely lined by tissue. Pseudocoeloms work just like true coeloms, even though this name meaning 'false cavity' may suggest otherwise.
Most bilaterally symmetrical animals (including us) are coelomates. Animals, such as roundworms, fall into the pseudocoelomate group, while other worms, such as flatworms, do not have a coelom at all.
In addition to body cavities, we can also differentiate animals by whether or not they have true tissues. Animals that have true tissues are known as eumetazoans. What this means is that they have body tissues that are specialized, like cells that specifically form muscle, ligaments and different organs.


Location of Body Structures

The location of an animal's body structures is one of the most important factors. An animal's body plan has sides such as 'right,' 'left, 'up' or 'down' leaves much open to the viewer's interpretation, so instead we have more descriptive terms that clearly describe the location.

Origin of Invertebrates
Invertebrates are certainly the most abundant animals on earth, but how did they get here and how did all of their diverse forms come about? In one of the more popular hypotheses in the evolutionary story, organisms the single-celled supposedly began to form colonies. Colonies offer these organisms an unknown advantage; so natural selection leads to more and more colonies. As time passes, these colonial organisms start to develop specialized cells and then form into a ball with an indentation that can ingest things and take advantage of a new food source. Exploiting this new food source leads to more advances, and eventually there are thousands of different invertebrate life forms swimming in the ancient seas. One problem—there is no fossil evidence for the story. The story is based on the comparison of DNA sequences (which relies on many assumptions between organisms and a presumed common ancestor.
The simplest animals, sponges, are supposed to have evolved from ancient choanoflagellate protists based on the fact that the larval stage of sponges looks similar to other choanoflagellates that exist today. This could be explained as convergent evolution, but it is used as proof of common descent in this case.
Within the evolutionary sequence of events, the mechanisms that made the changes are not known, and they cannot be known. Again, the lack of testability and repeatability demonstrates how this subject lies in the realm of historical science, if it is science at all. In order for the colonial protists, or even unicellular protists, to become truly multicellular organisms, an amazing change must happen extremely rapidly. Unicellular organisms cannot produce more than one type of cell. In order to become a multicellular organism, new information must be available that tells the cells to develop in new ways to perform different functions. The source of this new information cannot come from random mutations, but even if it could, a multitude of new functions must be simultaneously added to the genome. The hormonal control of development and cell coordination must be present with the information to code for the hormones and new cell structures. It is insufficient to say that old hormones and proteins get used in a new way because those old hormones and proteins must still perform their original functions or the cell is not as fit and would be removed by natural selection.
Considering this transformation, one cell from the colony has to “know” how to do all of the jobs that the other cells were doing and gain that information from those cells. After it has gained the information, it must then direct the different cell types and orchestrate when the genes are turned off and on within each cell, activities that are not required in unicellular life.
At least 95% of known fossils are of invertebrates, but the picture of invertebrate evolution is still very fuzzy. The major reason for this is the sudden appearance of fully formed invertebrate body plans in the fossil layer that records what is known as the Cambrian explosion. The ancestors to the variety of multicellular invertebrates are not known from fossils. Some traces of multicellular life are found in Precambrian rocks but not the types or abundant variety that would be expected from the diverse organisms in the Cambrian rocks. The cladograms and phylogenetic trees shown in the textbooks differ in their major branching points, and the changing nature of DNA and molecular evidence means that by the time a text is published, the ideas about ancestry may have changed. These models of evolutionary history are just speculative interpretations, and different groups within the scientific community come to different conclusions when they weigh the evidence with different assumptions and biases.

This illustration shows a representation of some of the forms that appeared very suddenly in the fossil record during the period known as the Cambrian explosion. In the creationist model, these animals represent descendants of original created kinds that became extinct during the Flood of Genesis. Gradual evolution cannot account for the sudden appearance of so many types of life.
For instance, evolutionists “know” cells must have formed in the ancient oceans because we have cells today. The major advances in invertebrate body plans are treated in this way. The development of soft-tissue features, like nervous systems and body cavities, is rarely preserved in fossil specimens. A statement like, “The development of bilateral symmetry was an important evolutionary adaptation that allowed animals to respond to their environment and compete better for resources” sounds logical, but it is not based on evidence. This statement is not true in itself, but it is a corollary to the evolutionary story. These are often referred to as evolutionary “milestones” or “key adaptations” because they needed to happen for a new kind of organism to form. When you read a statement like this or any statement that expects you to accept something as fact, remember that these are interpretations based on evolutionary assumptions. It is also important to remember that these ideas have probably changed in the recent past and will change in the near future as naturalistic scientists reinterpret the evidence with ever-changing ideas. While change is expected in science as new knowledge is gained, the fact that new data is constantly interpreted in the failed framework of evolution, regardless of how well it fits, demonstrates the importance of presuppositions and the prior commitment to a naturalistic explanation.
As invertebrates diversified in “prehistoric” oceans, evolutionists suggest that their nervous systems became more complex and that structures that sense the environment (light, vibration, chemical detection, etc.) gave these new animals an advantage. External skeletons developed in the ocean and allowed animals the opportunity to invade the land where the plants that had already evolved to survive on land could provide many open niches and food sources.
Another interesting observation comes when you analyze the dates given in different textbooks. Many of the evolutionary “milestones” and “first” fossils are given extremely different dates in different textbooks. This is true in most cases, from bacteria to the “most recent” divergent paths in evolution. The age of the first animal fossils differs by 100 million years between textbooks, and many other dates differ by varying degrees depending on which authority you use. The variation in dates given by different experts exposes the speculative nature of evolutionary storytelling, regardless of the supposedly objective nature of science.

       Evolutionary Concept
1.   All animals share a common ancestor that evolved in the primitive seas over 600 (or 700) million years ago from colonial protists.
2.   Many adaptations represent key stages in evolutionary history: nervous system, segmentation, body cavities, bilateral symmetry, etc.
3.   Evolutionary relationships of animal phyla are based on DNA and molecular evidence due to the lack of fossil evidence of ancestral species.
4.   Studying the embryonic development of invertebrates reveals their evolutionary history.
5.   A wide variety of body plans appears “suddenly” in the fossil record about 550 million years ago—known as the Cambrian explosion.
6.   Sponges and cnidarians were the first groups of animals to evolve over 650 million years ago.
7.   Roundworms and flatworms evolved from different ancestors.
8.   Segmented worms and mollusks evolved in the ocean approximately 550 million years ago. They are closely related based on embryology. The development of excretory systems and eyes occur first in these groups.
9.   Lungs and other organs have evolved independently in terrestrial animals, including mollusks and arthropods, as some mollusks lost their shells in recent evolutionary development.
10.                     Arthropods evolved from annelids over 600 million years ago in three distinct groups. Key adaptations include jointed appendages and an exoskeleton. Exoskeletons allowed arthropods to invade the land about 430 million years ago.
11.                     Horseshoe crabs have remained unchanged for 300 million years based on fossil evidence.
12.                     Echinoderms evolved over 650 million years ago. Based on deuterostome development pattern, echinoderms share a recent common ancestor with vertebrates.
13.                     Flight evolved at least four different times, beginning with arthropods 100 million years before pterosaurs.

International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)

"Animal naming"
The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) is a widely accepted convention in zoology that rules the formal scientific naming of organisms treated as animals. It is also informally known as the ICZN Code, for its publisher, the same applied to International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (which shares the acronym "ICZN"). The rules principally regulate:
  1. How names are correctly established in the frame of binominal nomenclature
  2. Which name must be used in case of name conflicts
  3. How scientific literature must cite names
Zoological nomenclature is independent of other systems of nomenclature, for example botanical nomenclature. This implies that animals can have the same generic names as plants. The rules and recommendations have one fundamental aim: to provide the maximum universality and continuity in the naming of all animals, except where taxonomic judgment dictates otherwise. The Code is meant to guide only the nomenclature of animals, while leaving zoologists freedom in classifying new taxa.


1.      Principle of binominal nomenclature

This is the principle that the scientific name of a species, and not of a taxon at any other rank, is a combination of two names; the use of a trinomen for the name of a subspecies and of uninominal names for taxa above the species group is in accord with this principle. This means that in the system of nomenclature for animals, the name of a species is composed of a combination of a generic name and a specific name; together they make a "binomen". No other rank can have a name composed of two names.
  • Taxa at a rank above species have a name composed of one name, a "uninominal name".
Genus Giraffa, family Giraffidae

2.      Principle of Priority

This is the principle that the correct formal scientific name for an animal taxon, the valid name, correct to use, is the oldest available name that applies to it. It is the most important principle—the fundamental guiding precept that preserves zoological nomenclature stability. It was first formulated in 1842 by a committee appointed by the British Association to consider the rules of zoological nomenclature. Hugh Edwin Strickland wrote the committee's report.
Nunneley 1837 established Limax maculatus (Gastropoda), Wiktor 2001 classified it as a junior synonym of Limax maximus Linnæus 1758 from S and W Europe. Limax maximus was established first, so if Wiktor's 2001 classification is accepted, Limax maximus takes precedence over Limax maculatus and must be used for the species.

3.      Principle of Coordination

The principle of coordination is that within the family group, genus group and species group, a name established for a taxon at any rank in the group is simultaneously established with the same author and date for taxa based on the same name-bearing type at other ranks in the corresponding group. In the species-group, publishing a species name (the binomen) Giraffa camelopardalis Linnaeus, 1758 also establishes the subspecies name (the trinomen) Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis Linnaeus, 1758. The same applies to the name of a subspecies; this establishes the corresponding species name. In the genus-group, similarly, publishing the name of a genus also establishes the corresponding name of a subgenus (or vice versa): genus Giraffa Linnaeus, 1758 and subgenus Giraffa (Giraffa) Linnaeus, 1758. In the family-group, publication of the name of a family, subfamily, superfamily (or any other such rank) also establishes the names in all the other ranks in the family group (family Giraffidae, superfamily Giraffoidea, subfamily Giraffinae).

4.      Principle of the First Reviser

This is the principle that in cases of conflicts between simultaneously published divergent acts, the first subsequent author can decide which has precedence. It supplements the principle of priority, which states that the first published name takes precedence.
Linnæus 1758 established Strix scandiaca and Strix noctua (Aves), for which he gave different descriptions and referred to different types, but both taxa later turned out to refer to the same species, the snowy owl. The two names are subjective synonyms. Lönnberg 1931 acted as First Reviser, cited both names and selected Strix scandiaca to have precedence.

5.      Principle of Homonymy

This is the principle that the name of each taxon must be unique. Consequently, a name that is a junior homonym of another name must not be used as a valid name. It means that any one animal name, in one particular spelling, may be used only once (within its group). This is usually the first-published name; any later name with the same spelling (a homonym) is barred from being used.
Primary homonyms are those with the same genus and same species in their original combination. The difference between a primary junior homonym and a subsequent use of a name is undefined, but it is commonly accepted that if the name referred to another species or form, and if there is in addition no evidence the author knew that the name was previously used, it is considered as a junior homonym.
Drury (1773) established Cerambyx maculatus (Coleoptera) for a species from Jamaica. Fueßlin (1775) established Cerambyx maculatus for a different species from Switzerland, and did not refer to Drury's name. Fueßlin's name is a junior primary homonym.
Secondary homonyms can be produced if taxa with the same specific name but different original genus are later classified in the same genus (Art. 57.3, 59). A secondary synonym[clarification needed] is only a temporary state, it is only effective in this classification. If another classification is applied, the secondary homonymy may not be produced, and the involved name can be used again (Art. 59.1). A name does not become unavailable or unusable if it was once in the course of history placed in such a genus where it produced a secondary homonymy with another name. This is one of the rare cases where a zoological species does not have a stable specific name and a unique species-author-year combination, it can have two names at the same time.
Nunneley (1837) established Limax maculatus (Gastropoda), Wiktor (2001) classified it as a junior synonym of Limax (Limax) maximus Linnæus, 1758 from S and W Europe. Kaleniczenko, 1851 established Krynickillus maculatus for a different species from Ukraine. Wiktor, 2001 classified both Limax maximus Linnæus, 1758 and Krynickillus maculatus Kaleniczenko, 1851 in the genus Limax. This meant that L. maculatus Nunneley, 1837 and K. maculatus Kaleniczenko, 1851 were classified in the same genus, so both names were secondary homonyms in the genu Limax, and the younger name could not be used for the Ukrainian species. So the Ukrainian species can have two names, depending from its generic classification. Limax ecarinatus, Limacus maculatus, the same species.
Double homonymy (genus and species) is no homonymy: if the genera are homonyms and belong to different animal groups, the same specific names can be used in both groups.
The name Noctua Linnæus, 1758 was established for a lepidopteran subgenus. In 1764 he established a genus Noctua Linné ,1764 for birds, ignoring that he had already used this name a few years ago in Lepidoptera. Noctua Linné, 1764 (Aves) is a junior homonym of Noctua Linnæus, 1758 (Lepidoptera).
Garsault (1764) used Noctua for a bird and established a name Noctua caprimulgus Garsault, 1764 (Aves). Fabricius (1775) established a name Noctua caprimulgus Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera), thus creating a double homonym. Double homonymy is no homonymy, both names are available.

6.      Principle of Typification

This is the principle that each nominal taxon in the family group, genus group, or species group has—actually or potentially—a name-bearing type fixed that provides the objective standard of reference that determines what the name applies to. This means that any named taxon has a name-bearing type, which allows the objective application of that name. Any family-group name must have a type genus, any genus-group name must have a type species, and any species-group name can (not must) have one or more type specimens (holotype, lectotype, neotype, syntypes, or others), usually deposited in a museum collection. The type genus for a family-group name is simply the genus that provided the stem to which was added the ending "-idae" (for families). Example: The family name Spheniscidae has as its type genus the genus Spheniscus Brisson, 1760.