ZOO 121:Classification
of animal kingdom
1. Phylum Protozoa
The Protozoa are a
diverse group of unicellulareukaryotic organisms. They
were defined as single-celled organisms with animal-like behaviors,
such as motilityand predation. The terms protozoa and protozoans are also used informally
to designate non-photosyntheticprotists, such as ciliates, amoebae and flagellates.
Protozoa are
almost are free-living types occuring in soil, wet sand, and in fresh,
brackish, and salt waters. Habitats of endoparasites vary. Some are
intracellular, such as malarial parasites in vertebrates, which are typical
Coccidia in most of the cycle. Other parasites, such as Entamoeba histolytica, invade tissues but not individual
cells. Most trypanosomes live in the blood plasma of vertebrate hosts. Many
other parasites live in the lumen of the digestive tract or sometimes in
coelomic cavities of invertebrates, as do certain gregarines.Many Protozoa are uninucleate, others are binucleate or multinucleate, and the number of nuclei also may vary at different
stages in a life cycle. Protozoa range in size from 1 to 106
micrometers. Protozoa have not developed tissues and organs.
Characteristics: Microscopic organisms,
ranging in size from 10 to 52 micrometers. Many protozoan species are symbionts, some are parasites and predators of bacteria, algae and other
protists. Unicellular, binucleate or multinucleate eukaryotes with varied type
of nutrition including photosynthesis,holozoic, parasitism or saprozoic.Asexual
and sexual reproduction. Flagella and cilia, where present have the 9+2
structure. Movement are by flagella, cilia or psuedopodia. In some forms the
cells are prouped togrther into colonies.
In protozoan
feeding, either phagotrophic (holozoic) or saprozoic(osmotrophic) methods predominate in particular species.
In addition, chlorophyll-bearing
flagellates profit from photosynthesis;
Certain species have not been grown in darkness and may be obligate phototrophs.
-Phagotrophic: ingestion of food,
followed by digestion in vacuoles, is characteristic of Sarcodina, ciliates,
and many flagellates. Formation of food cups, or gulletlike invaginations to
enclose prey, is common in more or less ameboid organisms, such as various
Sarcodina, many flagellates, and a few Sporozoa. Entrapment in a sticky
reticulopodial net occurs in Foraminiferida and certain other Sarcodina. A
persistent cytostome and gullet are involved in phagotrophic ciliates and a few
flagellates. Many ciliates have buccal organelles (membranes, membranelies, and closely set rows of
cilia) arranged to drive particles to the cytostome. Particles pass through the
cytostome into the cytopharynx (gullet), at the base of
which food vacuoles (gastrioles) are
formed. Digestion occurs in such vacuoles.
-Saprozoic feeding involves passage of
dissolved foods through the cortex. It is uncertain to what extent diffusion is
responsible, but enzymatic activities presumably are involved in uptake of
various simple sugars, acetate and butyrate. In addition, external factors, for
example, the pH of the medium, may strongly influence uptake of fatty acids and
phosphates.-Osmotrophy is process of absorbing nutrients through their cell membranes; or they may feed by phagocytosis, either by engulfing particles of food with pseudopodia (as
amoebae do), or taking in food through a mouth-like aperture called a cytostome). All protozoa digest their food in stomach-like compartments
called vacuoles). In addition to nuclei, food vacuoles
(gastrioles) in phagotrophs,
chromatophores and stigma in
many phytoflagellates,
water-elimination vesicles in many Protozoa, and sometimes other organelles, the cytoplasm may contain mitochondria, Golgi material, pinocytotic
vacuoles, stored food materials,
endoplasmic reticulum, and sometimes
pigments of various kinds.
Pellicle: The pellicle is
a thin layer supporting the cell membrane in various protozoa,
such as ciliates, protecting them and allowing them to retain their shape,
especially during locomotion, allowing the organism to be more hydrodynamic. The pellicle varies from flexible and elastic to rigid. Although
somewhat stiff, the pellicle is also flexible and allows the protist
to fit into tighter spaces. In ciliates and Apicomplexa, it is formed from closely
packed vesicles called alveoli. In euglenids, it is formed from protein
strips arranged spirally along the length of the body. Familiar examples of
protists with a pellicle are the euglenoids and the ciliate Paramecium. In
some protozoa, the pellicle hosts epibiotic bacteria that adhere to the
surface by their fimbriae (attachment
Motility: Organisms traditionally
classified as protozoa are abundant in aqueous environments and soil. The group
includes flagellates (which move with
the help of whip-like structures called flagella), ciliates (which move by
using hair-like structures called cilia) and amoebae(which move by the
use of foot-like structures called pseudopodia). Some protozoa are sessile, and do not move
at all.
Ecological role Protozoan
As components of the micro- and meiofauna, protozoa are an
important food source for microinvertebrates. Transfer of
bacterial and algal production to
successive trophic levels,Predators. They also control bacteria populations and biomassto some extent. Decomposerdecomposition of organic
matter, digestscellulose in the rumen of cows and termite guts,
and Play a role in nutrient mobilization.
Protozoan infection/Disease
A number of protozoan pathogens are human parasites, causing diseases
such as malaria(by Plasmodium), amoebiasis, giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis, trichomoniasis, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, African trypanosomiasis (sleeping
sickness), amoebic dysentery etc.
Reproduction/ Life cycle
reproduce asexually by binary
fission or multiple
fission. Many protozoan species exchange genetic material by sexual means
(typically, through conjugation. Fission, involving nuclear division and
replication of organelles, yields two organisms similar in size.
Budding produces two
organisms, one smaller than the other.In plasmotomy,
a multinucleate organism divides into several, each containing a number of
nuclei. Schizogony, characteristic
of Sporozoa, follows repeated
nuclear division, yielding many uninucleate
Simple life cycles include
a cyst and an active (trophic) stage undergoing growth and reproduction. In
certain free-living and parasitic species, no cyst is developed. Dimorphic
cycles show two active stages while polymorphic show several active stages. Some
protozoa have life phases alternating between proliferative actively feed
stages (e.g., trophozoites) and dormant cysts. As cysts, protozoa can survive
harsh conditions, such as exposure to extreme temperatures or harmful
chemicals, or long periods without access to nutrients, water, or oxygen for a
period of time. The conversion of a trophozoite to cyst form is known as
encystation, while the process of transforming back into a trophozoite is known
as excystation.
Protozoa have been divided traditionally on
the basis of their means of locomotion.
Sporozoans (e.g.Plasmodium/
malaria parasites)
Classes of protozoa
1) Sarcodina:- These are protozoa with
organs of locomotion as pseudopodia which means false foot. Protoplasm divided
into ectoderm and endoderm. Posses pseudopodia. One nucleus. Holozoic
nutrition. Feed by phagocytosis- engulfing of food by pseudopodia.No sexual
reproduction. Live in soil fresh water and damp places. Example Amoeba
2) Mastigophora;- These are protozoa with
organs of locomotion as flagella. The numbers of flagella are different in
different protozoa. Some contain chloplast eg euglena. Reproduce by binary
fission. Found in ponds or pollutted water.Body is covered by thick flexible
pellicles( Giardia, Trypanosoma)
3) Cilliata:- These are protozoa which have
organs of locomotion as cilia. Cillia are small hairs like structure seen.
These are many in numbers on the body of animals. Example Paramecium
4) Sporozoa:- These are protozoa which
have no organs of locomotion.The protozoa phylum has been divided into four
subphyla according to revised classification of protozoa:1)
Sarcomastigophora,2) Sporozoa, 3)
Cindospora&4) Ciliophora
Characteristics of Porifera
Phylum Porifera
is a group of simple animals that includes the sponges. Porifera have no
internal organs, nervous tissue, circulatory system, or digestive systems,
making them the most primitive of the multi-cellular animals. To support and
protect their soft bodies, sponges produce skeletons of calcium carbonate,
silica, or a soft organic material called spongin. To obtain food, the sponges
filtered the water around them as it passed through tiny pores located on their
outer walls.
1)No definite symmetry.
2)Body multicellular, few tissues, no organs.
3)Cells and tissues surround a water filled space but there is no true body cavity.
4)All are sessile, (live attached to something as an adult).
5)Reproduce sexually or asexually, sexual reproduction can be either gonochoristic or hermaphroditic.
6)Has no nervous system.
7)Has a distinct larval stage which is planktonic.
8)Lives in aquatic environments, mostly marine.
9)All are filter feeders.
10)Often have a skeleton of spicules.
2)Body multicellular, few tissues, no organs.
3)Cells and tissues surround a water filled space but there is no true body cavity.
4)All are sessile, (live attached to something as an adult).
5)Reproduce sexually or asexually, sexual reproduction can be either gonochoristic or hermaphroditic.
6)Has no nervous system.
7)Has a distinct larval stage which is planktonic.
8)Lives in aquatic environments, mostly marine.
9)All are filter feeders.
10)Often have a skeleton of spicules.
Have 4 very
loosely differentiated cells:
Pinacocytes- outer cells covering sponge; equivalent of epiderm
Porococytes- cells which line the pores of the sponge; through which water is
Choanocytes- similar to choanoflagellates; collared cells with flagella which
createwater current and collect food matter or sticky contractile collar; may
also produce sperm.
Amoebocytes- amoeba-like cells found throughout the sponge; store, digest and
transport food, excrete wastes, secrete skeleton and also may give rise to buds
in asexual reproduction; there are several different types:
LargeAmoebocytes- distribute food to other cells of sponge; move by way of pseudopods
Archeocytes- undifferentiated sponge cells that can give rise to more
differentiated cells such as pinacocytes, porocytes or oocytes.
Scleroblasts- produce spicules; two types
Calcoblasts- make calcium carbonate spicules
Silicoblasts- make silicious spicules
There are two
basic openings in the sponge:
Ostia- or incurrent pores that open into a central cavity called the spongocoel;
it is lined with choanocytes or collar cells.
Osculum- the opening of the spongocoel to the outside; this is the opening by
which water leaves the sponge.
Sponge types
There are 3 basic architectural types of sponges
Asconoid- most primitive and simplistic in
structurehave radial symmetryare tube shaped. Typically vase shaped like
sponges. The asconoid imposes
definite size limits to sponges due to the problem of water flowthe spongocoel
contains such a large volume of water that it is hard to push it our rapidly if
there are no enough choanocytes.
Syconoid Sponges-this is the next level of complexity in
sponge architecture; it is derived from the asconoid structure except the walls
are invaginated- allowing for greater surface area over which water can pass.Radial
symmetry; the syconoid structure helps to rectify some of the water movement
problem by increasing the surface area and decreasing the spongocoel volume- so
there are more choanocytes to water volumethese sponges able to get bigger than
Leuconoid Sponges- This is the highest level of
complexity in sponges;have lost radial symmetry and are very irregular in shape
and may attain large sizesthey arise from syconoid sponges in which the
invaginated canals are even further invaginated and folded to from small
flagellated chambersfurther increase in surface area makes these sponges highly
efficient in moving and filtering waterspongocoel is gone except for canals
that lead to the osculum- or there may be a series of excurrent openingsthe
largest sponges are leuconoid types because they have eliminated the spongocoel
so that all the water entering the sponge is moved through small canals all
lined with flagellais the most hydrologically efficient method
Higher classification of sponges
There are 4
classes of sponges:
Calcarea:- found in
shallow coastal waters, all are marine.
Hexactinellida:- glass
sponges, chiefly live in 500-1000 meter depthare syconoid sponges, all are
Demospongiae:- spicules
are silicious if present otherwise skeleton is made of spongin or
bothvariously shaped some are hugeall are leuconoidall but two families are
marine- Spongillidae and Metaniidae- are freshwater with about 300 freshwater
species; in North America are about 27 species in 11 genera (most belong to
Spongillidae)this is the group from which we get our commercial
spongesSclerospongiaehave silicious spicules and sponging also have an outer
covering composed of calcium carbonateare leuconoid sponges.
Sexual Reproduction:-gametes
formed by amoebocytes, there are both hermaphroditic and dioecious
species; most freshwater species are dioeciousmost hermaphroditic species
produce eggs and sperm at different times so they do not self fertilizesperm is
released into environment via osculum and is brought in by another sponge via
ostiafertilization takes place in parent sponge. zygote is expelled - called an
amphiblastula larva or parenchymula larva, it is planktonic when it
reaches a certain size it drops to bottom and begins to develop.
Reproduction (two types)
1. Budding- fragmentation of body wall, buds appear
as outgrowth on sides of sponge
when they reach a
certain size they drop off and settle to bottom to form a new sponge
2. Gemmules- occurs only in freshwater spongesgemmules are groups of food laden
amoebocytes that deposit a hard covering of spicules around themformation is
triggered by environmental conditions such as decreased temperaturesthey allow
the sponge to pass the winter or periods of droughtafter which the outer
covering breaks open and a new sponge develops
Nutritional Ecology:- All
are filter feeders; Choanocytes produce currents that transport water in and
out of sponges; Amoebocytes distribute food throughout spongemany have algae
symbionts, which makes them green- these supply organic carbon and oxygen to
host sponge, sponge supplies habitat and carbon dioxide to algae
General Characteristicts
1) The coelenterates are radial
symmetrical, tentacle bearing (All are aquatic, mostly marine but a few are
fresh water forms).
2) They may be
solitary or colonial.
3) They may be
sedentary or free-swimming.
4) Head and
segmentation is absent.
5) Tentacles
encircle the mouth in one or more whorls. They are used for food capture, and
6) These are all
diploblastic animals. They show ectoderm and endoderm. In between jelly like
mesoglea is present.
7) The
cnidoblasts are important defensive and offensive cells. They are useful for
food capture.
8) Undifferentiated
free interestitial cells are found among the epithelial cells.
9)Mouth is
present. Anus is absent.
10) Mouth leads
into a central cavity called 'Coelenteron. Hence the name Coelenterate'.
Coelenterates are acoelomate. Because there is no true body cavity, or coelom.
12) Respiratory,
circulatory and excretory systems are absent.
13) These are
radial symmetrical animals.
14) Nervous
system is diffused type.
15) Polyp is a nutritive
zooid and fixed zooid.The medusa is a free swimming zooid and sexual zooid.
16) Nutrition is
intercellular and intracellular.
17) Locomotion
in medusa is by muscles.
19) Asexual
reproduction is by budding.
20) Sexual
reproduction takes place by the development of gonad and sex cells. Planula
larva is seen.
Classification of Coelenterate (Cnidaria):
Divided into
three classes
Class I: Hydrozoa:
2) They show
mouth opening, and anus is absent.
3) They show
both polyp and medusa forms. Medusa is a reproductive zooid. Polyp is a fixed
4) In medusa the
gasto-vascular-system is transversed by canals. In medusa definite sense organs
like statocyst, nervous system, and muscular system are well developed.
5) Polymorphic
tendency is well developed.
6) Gonads are
7) Alternation
of generations is seen in the life history of these animals.
8) Velum is
present on the medusa (Craspedote); (Examples: Hydra, Bougainvillea&Obelia).
Class II: Scyphozoa:
1) Represented
by medusoid forms.
2) Sense organs
are tentaculocysts.
3) Gastrovascular system shows stomach and
4 gastric pouches. In the gastric pouches gastric filaments are present.
4) Velarium is present with endodermal
canal (Acraspedote).
5) Gonads are endodermal in origin
6) Medusa arises by strobilisation.
III: Anthozoa:
1) They exhibit only polyp forms.
2) Medusa stage is absent.
3) Mesentries are present, they bear
4) Gonads are endodermal.
This class is divided into 2 sub classes.
Sea anemones, Corals e.g. Meandrina (brain coral),
Black coral, orange pipe coral, dead man's fingers,
Cnidarians form an animalphylum that are more
complex than sponges, about as complex as ctenophores (comb jellies), and less complex
than bilaterians, which include
almost all other animals. Both cnidarians and ctenophores are more complex than
sponges as they have: cells bound by inter-cell connections and carpet-like basement membranes; muscles; nervous systems; and some
have sensory organs.
Cnidarians are distinguished from all other animals by having cnidocytes that fire like harpoons and are used
mainly to capture prey. In some species, cnidocytes can also be used as
anchors.Like sponges, cnidarians have two main layers
of cells that sandwich a middle layer of jelly-like material, which is called
the mesogleain cnidarians; more complex animals
have three main cell layers and no intermediate jelly-like layer. Cnidarians
have traditionally been labelled diploblastic, along with sponges. Both
cnidarians and ctenophores have a type of musclethat,
in more complex animals, arises from the middle cell layer. As a result, some recent text books classify ctenophores as triploblastic, and it has been suggested that cnidarians evolved from
triploblastic ancestors.
Number of main
cell layers
Two, with
jelly-like layer between them
Two or Three
Cells in each
layer bound together
connections; basement membranes
Number of cells
in middle "jelly" layer
(Not applicable)
Cells in outer
layers can move inwards and change functions
(Not applicable)
Nervous system
Yes, simple
Simple to
Mostly epitheliomuscular
Aboral end, Oral end, Mouth,
Gastroderm (Endoderm)
Digestive cavity
cnidarians appear as either swimming medusae or sessilepolyps, and many hydrozoan species are known
to alternate between the two forms.
Polymorphism refers to the occurrence
of structurally and functionally more than two different types of individuals
within the same organism. It is a characteristic feature of Cnidarians,
particularly the polyp
and medusaforms,
or of zooids
within colonial organisms like those in Hydrozoa. In Hydrozoans, colonial individuals arising
from individuals zooids will take on separate tasks. For example, in Obelia there are feeding individuals,
the gastrozooids; the individuals capable of asexual reproduction only, the
gonozooids, blastostyles and free-living or sexually reproducing individuals, the
These "nettle
cells" function as harpoons, since their payloads remain connected
to the bodies of the cells by threads. Three types of cnidocytes are known:
Nematocysts inject venom into prey, and
usually have barbs to keep them embedded in the victims. Most species have
Spirocysts do not penetrate the victim
or inject venom, but entangle it by means of small sticky hairs on the thread.
Ptychocysts are not used for prey
capture — instead the threads of discharged ptychocysts are used for
building protective tubes in which their owners live. Ptychocysts are found only
in the orderCerianthria, tube anemones.
system and senses
have no brains or even central nervous systems. Instead they have
decentralized nerve nets consisting of sensory neurons that generate signals in
response to various types of stimulus, such as odors, motor neurons that tell muscles to
contract, and "cobwebs" of intermediate neurons to connect them. As
well as forming the "signal cables", intermediate neurons also form ganglia that act as local
coordination centers. The cilia of the cnidocytes detect physical
and excretion
feed in several ways: predation, absorbing
dissolved organic chemicals, filtering food particles out of the water, and obtaining nutrients from symbioticalgae within their cells. Corals depend
almost completely on their endosymbionts and on absorbing
dissolved nutrients. Cnidaria give their symbiotic algae carbon dioxide, some nutrients, a place in
the sun and protection against predators. Predatory species use their cnidocytes to poison or
entangle prey, and those with venomous nematocysts may start
digestion by injecting digestive enzymes. Medusae often
trap prey or suspended food particles by swimming upwards, spreading their
tentacles and oral arms and then sinking.
The Phylum Platyhelminthes"Flatworms"
From the Greek platy for flat and helminthes for worms, Hence
Flat Worms.
Characteristics of Platyhelminthes
(Unifying Characteristics)
2)Body having 3 layers of tissues (Tryplobastic) with well-developed organ system (Organs and organelles.
3)Body contains no internal cavity (Acoelomate).
4)Possesses a blind gut (i.e. it has a mouth but no anus)
5)Has Protonephridial excretory organs instead of an anus; generally of flame cells and ducts
6)Nervous system of longitudinal fibres rather than a net ( includes a brain cephalisation).
7)Generally dorsoventrally flattened.
8)Reproduction mostly sexual as hermaphrodites ( hermaphroditic).
2)Body having 3 layers of tissues (Tryplobastic) with well-developed organ system (Organs and organelles.
3)Body contains no internal cavity (Acoelomate).
4)Possesses a blind gut (i.e. it has a mouth but no anus)
5)Has Protonephridial excretory organs instead of an anus; generally of flame cells and ducts
6)Nervous system of longitudinal fibres rather than a net ( includes a brain cephalisation).
7)Generally dorsoventrally flattened.
8)Reproduction mostly sexual as hermaphrodites ( hermaphroditic).
9)Mostly they feed on animals and other
smaller life forms.
10)Some species occur in all major habitats, including many as parasites of other animals.
10)Some species occur in all major habitats, including many as parasites of other animals.
11. Parasitic of free-living metazoan flatworms
Mostly free living, primarily aquatic and
marine; Bottom dwellers; Mostly carnivorous; Photoreceptive ocelli (primitive
eyes); Auricles -flanges on side of head;
Gut - blind sac with two-way flow; Examples
Class Trematatoda (flukes)
1. Entirely parasitic; 2. Body thickened into protective
tegument; 3. Posses suckers;
4. Gut parasites;5. Secrete enzyme interfering proteins; 6. Inactivate digestive enzymes e.g
Monogenetic and
Digenetic Forms; Monogenetic = single host ie: Polystoma of frog hosts
Digenetic = two
or more hosts e: Schistosoma, Clonorchis, Fasciola hepatica
Cestoda (tapeworms)
Entirely parasitic; No digestive or nervous
system; Live from digested materials; Body structures
Anterior scolex with suckers and barbs; False
segments called proglottids, each proglittid a self reproducing unitie: Taenia
that makes platyhelmenthes to be Parasite
Reduction of sense of organs and nervous
system; Loss of locomotion organs
Organs of adhesion developed; Complicated
life; Tremendous egg production
Protection from enzyme action, loss of
cuticle; Modified respiration, can survive anaerobic conditions. Loss of
digestive tract; replaced with reproductive organs.
Name of Disease
Definitive test
Snail Fever
Freshwater Snail
Look for eggs
Beef Tapeworm
Taenia saginata
Stool Sample
look for eggs (proglottids)
Pork Tapeworm
Taenia solium
Stool Sample
look for eggs (proglottids)
Fish Tapeworm
Stool sample
look for eggs (proglottids)
Phylum: Nematoda
Definition: Phylum Nematoda are un-segmented
vermiform animals with anterior lateral chemosensory organs or amphids and
with a persistent blastocoel or pseudocoelom; dorsal and ventral nerve cords in
epidermis and excretory system of renette cells or tubules.
General Characteristic Features of Phylum
1. Body of Phylum Nematoda is un-segmented,
bilaterally symmetrical, elongated and tapering at both ends.
2. Triploblastic animals with perivisceral
cavity is more extensive than that of Platyhelminthes.
3. Body of of Phylum Nematoda is generally
covered with thick, flexible multi-layered collagenous cuticle and often bears
cuticular setae (hairs), spines or annulations.
4. Cuticle moulted periodically.
5. Epidermis or hypodermis syncytial; i.e.,
the nuclei are not separated from each other by cell membranes.
6. Only longitudinal body-wall muscles; no
circular body-wall muscles.
7. Body cavity of of Phylum Nematoda is
pseudocoel filled with parenchyma in most cases.
8. Alimentary canal provided with distinct
mouth and anus (complete digestive tract). Muscular pharynx and the inner
surface of the gut usually not lined by cilia. Extracellular digestion.
9. Mouth of of Phylum Nematoda is
surrounded by six lips.
10. Blood vascular system and respiratory
system are absent in of Phylum Nematoda.
11. Haemoglobin sometimes present in the
pseudocoelomic fluid.
12. Excretory system without nephridia and
flame cells. In the class Adenophorea glandular renette cells with a duct or in
the class Secernentea excretory canal system without flame cells act as excretory
13. Dorsal and ventral nerve cords in the
14. Chemosensory organs are small cuticular
projections called amphids which are situated on the lips, derived from cilia
and opening to the exterior through a small pore, and lined with modified
non-motile cilia called sensillae.
15. Sexes of of Phylum Nematoda are
separate (gonochoristic).
16. Tubular gonads are present in of Phylum
17. Amoeboid sperm cells.
18. Fertilization is internal in of Phylum
19. Determinate cleavage (mosaic).
20. of Phylum Nematodaare eutelic animals.
21. Generally complex life history.
22. They are free-living or phytoparasitic
or zooparasitic.
Classification of Phylum Nematoda:
Class 1. Adenophorea or
Aphasmida (Gk. Adenophorea
= gland-bearing; Gk. Aphasmida – without phasmids):
1. Most species possess caudal adhesive glands and epidermal glands.
2. Phasmids (caudal papillae bearing pores connecting with glandular
pouch called phasmids which are thought to be chemosensory in function) are
3. Amphids are post labial and variously shaped such as pouch-like or
tube-like, rarely pore-like.
4. Coelomocytes well developed.
5. Excretory organs are only renette cells but without collecting
6. Males usually without caudal alae.
7. Usually two testes in males.
8. Mostly marine, and include both free- living and parasitic species.
The free- living species include both terrestrial, freshwater, and major marine
Seven Orders of class
Adenophorea or Aphasmida( not common)
Order 1. Enoplida, Order 2. Dorylaimida, Order
3. Mermithida, Order 4. Chromadorida
Order 5. Desmoscolecida, Order 6. Monohysterida, Order 7. Araeolaimida
Class 2. Secernentea or
1. Caudal phasmids present; 2. Labial
amphids pore-like; 3. Excretory system canal-like and comparatively more
complex; 4. Epidermal and caudal adhesive glands absent; 5. Males with a single
testis; 6. Mostly parasitic; 7. Free-living species are largely terrestrial.It
includes certain important orders:
1. Rhabditida: 1. Cuticle
smooth and ringed.; 2. Sensory bristles in 2 rings; the outer ring 4, 6 or 10
bristles and inner ring of 6 bristles.; 3. Pharynx with a posterior bulb.; 4.
Copulatory spicules with gubernaculum in males. ; 5. Free-living and parasitic
nematodes. Examples: Rhabditis, Heterodera, Bunonema.
2. Strongylida: 1. Lips
absent.,2. Males with two spicules.; 3. A true copulatory bursa is present.; 4.
Buccal capsule well developed.; 5. Pharynx without bulb.; 6. Vertebrate
Examples: Ancylostoma duodenale (Hookworm), Strongylus,
Trichostrongylus (Hair worm), Ne-cator.
3. Oxyurida: 1. Small to
moderate in size.; 2. Copulatory spicules present in males.
3. Tail of females long, narrow and
pointed.; 4. Mouth provided with 3-6 simple lips.
5. Pharynx with a valvular posterior bulb.;
6. Caudal alae present.; 7. Invertebrate and vertebrate parasites; Examples:
Oxyuris, Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm), Heterakis gallinae, Thelastoma,
4. Ascaridida: 1. Large
stout nematodes residing in the intestine of vertebrates as parasites.
2. Mouth provided with 3 prominent lips.; 3.
Males possess 2 equal or almost equal copulatory spicules.; 4. Buccal capsule
absent.; 5. Pharynx with or without a posterior bulb.
6. Tail of females blunt.; 7. Oviparous.; Examples:
Ascaris (Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris megalocephala, Ascaris suillas),
Parascari, Toxocara.
Order 5. Spirurida: 1. Thread-like, moderate to large size.; 2.
Females larger than males.; 3. Mouth usually provided with two lateral lips.; 4.
Pharynx without bulb.; 5. Males with two unequal copulatory spicules but do not
have bursa or caudal alae.; 6. Oviparous or viviparous. 7. Parasites of
vertebrates and with a blood sucking invertebrate as intermediate host.; -Examples:
Spirura, Wuchereria bancrofti (Filaria), Loa loa (Eye worm), Brugia,
Onchocerca, etc.
Order 6. Trichuroida (=
Trichinelloidea): 1. Anterior
part of the body whip-like.; 2. Mouth without lips.; 3. Pharynx slender.; 4.
Males with one or without spicule.; 5. Males are either with bursa or with
cirrus.; 6. Life cycle simple—no intermediate host.; 7. Commonly known as whip
worms.; Examples: Trichuris (Parasites of mammals), Trichinella
spiralis (Trichinia worm).
Order 7. Camallanida: 1. Thread-like; females larger than males.;
2. Lips absent.; 3. Buccal capsule large or absent.; 4. Spicules of males of
same size.; 5. No bursa in males.; 6. Adult females with degenerated bursa.; 7.
Mostly oviparous.; 8. Parasites of vertebrates.; Examples: Camallanus,
Procamallanus, Dracunculus medinensis(Guinea-worm), Philometra.
Phylum: Annelida (Segmented Worms)
Characteristics of Phylum Annelida
1)Bilaterally symmetrical and vermiform.
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body cavity is a true coelom, often divided by internal septa.
4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.
5)Body possesses 3 separate sections, a prosomium, a trunk and a pygidium.
6)Has a nervous system with an anterior nerve ring, ganglia and a ventral nerve chord.
7)Has a true closed circulatory system.
8)Has no true respiratory organs.
9)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic or hermaphoditic.
10)Feed a wide range of material.
11)Live in most environments.
1)Bilaterally symmetrical and vermiform.
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body cavity is a true coelom, often divided by internal septa.
4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.
5)Body possesses 3 separate sections, a prosomium, a trunk and a pygidium.
6)Has a nervous system with an anterior nerve ring, ganglia and a ventral nerve chord.
7)Has a true closed circulatory system.
8)Has no true respiratory organs.
9)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic or hermaphoditic.
10)Feed a wide range of material.
11)Live in most environments.
13. Chaetae (Hairs made of Chitin
Cell Layers
15. Head develops first (Protostomal)
3 Major Classes
1. Polychaeta
(Poly – keet - a); -a. Poly = Many, Chaetae = hairs
2. Oligochaeta
(Oligo – keet – a); - a. Oligo = few
Hirudinea:- Leeches (Ectoparasites)
of Segmentation/Segments
1. Allows movement with maximum protection.
2. Each segment contains repetition of
excretory, movement organs.
3. Each is separated from others by a
4. Segmentation provides an evolutionary
framework to build upon.
5. Other major phyla with segmentation are
Arthropoda, Chordata.
1. Live in the ocean (marine).
2. Many chaetae (chitinous hairs)
3. Movement
a. Each segment has paired parapodia for
b. May burrow, using peristalsis
4. Feeding
a. Deposit feeders (eat mud, digest organic
b. Raptorial predators
c. Herbivores/Scavengers
d. Filter feeders
i. With mucous net
ii. With feeding arms
5. Reproduction
a. Dioecious -Mostly have two sexes: male,
b. Segmentation allows regeneration.
c. Also allows Epitoky! (i). Posterior (tail) end of worm grows
enlarged gonads and eyes; parapodia become modified for swimming.
ii. Often, the posterior end will then
break off and swim away to reproduce! It is called an epitoke
iii. Usually on one or two days of the
year, all epitokes of a species will congregate
at the surface, with males swarming around
females, shedding sperm.
Females, once fertilized, shed all eggs
into water.
iv. Epitokes of the Palolo worm are a
delicacy in Samoa.
1. Live in freshwater, land, ocean
2. Few chaetae (chitonous hairs)
3. Movement
a. Most burrow with peristalsis. Muscular contractions
of body, using both longitudinal and circular muscles.
b. Use chaetae as anchors.
4. Feeding
a. Deposit feeders (earthworms)
b. Herbivores/scavengers
5. Reproduction
a. Hermaphroditic
b. Worms reproduce by holding clitella
(singular is clitellum) together, and exchanging sperm.
i. Clitellum provides mucus for transfer of
sperm, also creates a cocoon for eggs, a few days later.
1. Mostly freshwater, some marine. Like to
live in ponds.
2. No chaetae
3. Movement
a. Have suckers on both ends
b. Move like inchworms
4. Feeding
a. 3/4 blood-sucking ectoparasites
b. 1/4 predators
c. 3 Triangular teeth slice skin, proboscis
is forced in, along with anticoagulant, blood is
sucked through proboscis by pumping of
5. Reproduction
a. Hermaphroditic
The annelids are bilaterally
symmetrical, triploblastic,
coelomate, have parapodia for locomotion.
Traditional division into polychaetes
(almost all marine), oligochaetes
(which include earthworms) and leech-like
species; leeches as a sub-group of oligochaetes and consists of multiple segments.
Each segment has the same sets of organs and, in most polychates, has a pair of
parapodia that many
species use for locomotion.
Septa separate the
segments of many species. In species with well-developed septa, the blood
circulates entirely within blood
vessels, and the vessels in segments near the front ends of these
species are often built up with muscles that act as hearts. The septa of such
species also enable them to change the shapes of individual segments, which
facilitates movement by peristalsis
("ripples" that pass along the body) or by undulations
that improve the effectiveness of the parapodia. In species with incomplete septa
or none, the blood circulates through the main body cavity without any kind of
pump, and there is a wide range of locomotory techniques – some burrowing
species turn their pharynges
inside out to drag themselves through the sediment.
Reproduction:Although many species can
reproduce asexually and use
similar mechanisms to regenerate after severe injuries, sexual reproduction is
the normal method in species whose reproduction has been studied. The minority
of living polychaetes whose reproduction and lifecycles are known produce trochophorelarvae,
that live as plankton
and then sink and metamorphoseinto
miniature adults. Oligochaetes are full hermaphrodites
and produce a ring-like cocoon around their bodies, in which the eggs
and hatchlings are nourished until they are ready to emerge.
Important of Annelides
Earthworms (Oligochaetes) support terrestrial food
chains both as prey
and in some regions are important in aeration
and enrichingof soil.
The burrowing of marine polychaetes, encourages the development of ecosystems by enabling
water and oxygen to penetrate the
sea floor. In addition to improving soil fertility, annelids serve humans as food and as bait. Scientists observe annelids to
monitor the quality of marine and fresh water. Although blood-letting is no longer
in favor with doctors, some leech species are regarded as endangered species
because they have been over-harvested for this purpose in the last few
centuries. Ragworms' jaws are now being studied by engineers as they offer an
exceptional combination of lightness and strength.
Class Polychaetes:have parapodia that function as limbs, and nuchal organs that are thought to be chemosensors. Most are marine animals, although a few
species live in fresh water and even fewer on land.
have few or no chetae per segment, and no nuchal organs or parapodia. However, they
have a unique reproductive organ, the ring-shaped clitellum ("pack saddle") around their bodies,
which produces a cocoon that stores and nourishes fertilized
eggs until they hatch or, in
moniligastrids, yolky eggs that provide nutrition for the embyros. The
clitellates are sub-divided into:
Class Oligochaetes
("with few hairs"), which includes earthworms. Oligochaetes have a sticky pad
in the roof of the mouth. Most are burrowers that feed on wholly or partly
decomposed organic materials.
Class Hirudinea,
whose name means "leech-shaped" and
whose best known members are leeches. Marine species are mostly
blood-sucking parasites, mainly on fish, while most
freshwater species are predators They have suckers at both ends of their
bodies, and use these to move rather like inchworms.
The Archiannelida, minute
annelids that live in the spaces between grains of marine sediment, were treated as
a separate class
because of their simple body structure, but are now regarded as polychaetes. Pogonophora /Siboglinidae were first discovered in 1914,
and their lack of a recognizable gut made it difficult to classify them.
Their bodies are long, with segments that are
divided externally by shallow ring-like constrictions called annuli
and internally by septa ("partitions") at the same points, although
in some species the septa are incomplete and in a few cases missing. Most of
the segments contain the same sets of organs, although sharing a common gut, circulatory system and
system makes them inter-dependent. Their bodies are covered by a
covering) that does not contain cells
but is secretedby
cells in the skin underneath, is made of tough but flexible collagen
and does not molt
– on the other hand arthropods' cuticles are made of the
more rigid α-chitin,
and molt until the arthropods reach their full size. Most annelids have closed
circulatory systems, where the blood makes its entire circuit via blood
Summary of
distinguishing features
Recently merged
into Annelida
Closely related
Only in a few
Repetition of
internal organs
In primitive
Septa between
In most species
Cuticle material
Body cavity
2 coelomata,
main and in tentacles
Coelom only in
Segments of an annelid
O Mouth
Growth zone
O Anus
Most of an annelid's body consists of segments that are
practically identical, having the same sets of internal organs and external chaetae and, in some species, appendages. The
frontmost section, called the prostomium
contains the brain and sense organs, while the rearmost, called the pygidium or periproct contains the anus. The first section behind the
prostomium, called the peristomium
is regarded by some zoologists as not a true segment, but in some polychaetes the peristomium
has chetae and appendages like those of other segments. The segments develop
one at a time from a growth zone just ahead of the pygidium, so that an
annelid's youngest segment is just in front of the growth zone while the
peristomium is the oldest. This pattern is called teloblastic growth. Some
groups of annelids, including all leeches,
have fixed maximum numbers of segments, while others add segments throughout
their lives.
wall, chetae and parapodia
Annelids' cuticles are made of collagen
fibers, usually in layers that spiral in alternating directions so that the
fibers cross each other. These are secreted by the one-cell deep epidermis
(outermost skin layer). A few marine annelids that live in tubes lack cuticles,
but their tubes have a similar structure, and mucus-secreting
in the epidermis protect their skins. Under the epidermis is the dermis,
which is made of connective tissue, in other words a combination of cells
and non-cellular materials such as collagen. Below this are two layers of
muscles, which develop from the lining of the coelom
(body cavity): circular muscles make a segment longer and slimmer when they
contract, while under them are longitudinal muscles, usually four distinct
strips, whose contractions make the segment shorter and fatter. Some annelids
also have oblique internal muscles that connect the underside of the body to
each side.
The setae
("hairs") of annelids project out from the epidermis to provide traction and other
capabilities. The simplest are unjointed and form paired bundles near the top
and bottom of each side of each segment. The parapodia
("limbs") of annelids that have them often bear more complex chetae
at their tips – for example jointed, comb-like or hooked. Chetae are made
of moderately flexible β-chitin and are formed by follicles, each of
which has a chetoblast ("hair-forming") cell at the bottom and
muscles that can extend or retract the cheta. The chetoblasts produce chetae by
forming microvilli, fine hair-like extensions that
increase the area available for secreting the cheta. When the cheta is
complete, the microvilli withdraw into the chetoblast, leaving parallel tunnels
that run almost the full length of the cheta. Hence annelids' chetae are
structurally different from the setae ("bristles") of arthropods, which are made of the more rigid
α-chitin, have a single internal cavity, and are mounted on flexible joints in
shallow pits in the cuticle.Nearly all polychaetes have parapodia that function as limbs, while other major annelid groups
lack them. Parapodia are unjointed paired extensions of the body wall, and
their muscles are derived from the circular muscles of the body. They are often
supported internally by one or more large, thick chetae. The parapodia of
burrowing and tube-dwelling polychaetes are often just ridges whose tips bear
hooked chetae. In active crawlers and swimmers the parapodia are often divided
into large upper and lower paddles on a very short trunk, and the paddles are
generally fringed with chetae and sometimes with cirri (fused bundles
of cilia)
and gills.
Nervous system and senses
The brainforms
a ring round the pharynx
(throat), consisting of a pair of ganglia
(local control centers) above and in front of the pharynx, linked by nerve
cords either side of the pharynx to another pair of ganglia just below and
behind it. The brains of polychaetes are generally in the prostomium, while those of clitellates are in the peristomium or sometimes the first
segment behind the peristomium. In some very mobile and active polychaetes
the brain is enlarged and more complex, with visible hindbrain, midbrain and
forebrain sections.The rest of the central nervous system
is generally "ladder-like", consisting of a pair of nerve cords that
run through the bottom part of the body and have in each segment paired ganglia
linked by a transverse connection. From each segmental ganglion
a branching system of local nerves runs into the body wall and then encircles
the body. However, in most polychaetes
the two main nerve cords are fused, and in the tube-dwelling the single nerve chord has no ganglia and
is located in the epidermis.As in arthropods, each muscle fiber (cell) is
controlled by more than one neuron, and the speed and power of the fiber's contractions depends on
the combined effects of all its neurons. Most annelids' longitudinal nerve
trunks include giant axons(the
output signal lines of nerve cells). Their large diameter decreases their resistance,
which allows them to transmit signals exceptionally fast. This enables these
worms to withdraw rapidly from danger by shortening their bodies. Experiments
have shown that cutting the giant axons prevents this escape response but does
not affect normal movement.The sensors are primarily single cells that detect
light, chemicals, pressure waves and contact, and are present on the head,
appendages (if any) and other parts of the body. Nuchal ("on the
neck") organs are paired, ciliated structures found only in polychaetes,
and are thought to be chemosensors. Some polychaetes also have various
combinations of ocelli
("little eyes") that detect the direction from which light is coming
and camera
eyes or compound eyes that can
probably form images. The compound eyes probably evolved independently
of arthropods' eyes. Some tube-worms use ocelli widely spread over their bodies
to detect the shadows of fish, so that they can quickly withdraw into their
tubes. Some burrowing and tube-dwelling polychaetes have statocysts
(tilt and balance sensors) that tell them which way is down. A few polychaete genera
have on the undersides of their heads palps that are used both in feeding and
as "feelers", and some of these also have antennae that are
structurally similar but probably are used mainly as "feelers".
In some annelids,
including earthworms, all respiration
is via the skin. However, many polychaetes and some clitellates (the group to
which earthworms belong) have gills
associated with most segments, often as extensions of the parapodia in polychaetes.
The gills of tube-dwellers and burrowers usually cluster around whichever end
has the stronger water flow.
Feeding and
Feeding structures in the mouth
region vary widely, and have little correlation with the animals' diets.
Many polychaetes have a muscular pharynx
that can be everted (turned inside
out to extend it). In these animals the foremost few segments often lack septa
so that, when the muscles in these segments contract, the sharp increase in
fluid pressure from all these segments everts the pharynx very quickly. Two families,
the Eunicidae and Phyllodocidae, have evolved jaws, which can be used for seizing prey, biting off
pieces of vegetation, or grasping dead and decaying matter. On the other
hand, some predatory polychaetes
have neither jaws nor eversible
pharynges. Selective deposit feeders generally live in tubes on the
sea-floor and use palps to find food particles in the sediment and then wipe
them into their mouths. Filter feedersuse
"crowns" of palps covered
in ciliathat
wash food particles towards their mouths. Non-selective deposit feeders ingest
soil or marine sediments via mouths that are generally
unspecialized. Some clitellates
have sticky pads in the roofs of their mouths, and some of these can evert the
pads to capture prey. Leeches often have an eversible proboscis, or a muscular
pharynx with two or three teeth.
The gut is generally an almost
straight tube supported by the mesenteries (vertical partitions within
segments), and ends with the anus on the underside of the pygidium.
However, in members of the tube-dwelling family Siboglinidae
the gut is blocked by a swollen lining that houses symbioticbacteria,
which can make up 15% of the worms' total weight. The bacteria convert inorganic
matter – such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon
dioxide from hydrothermal vents, or methane
from seeps – to organic
matter that feeds themselves and their hosts, while the worms extend their
palps into the gas flows to absorb the gases needed by the bacteria.Annelids
with blood vessels use metanephridia to
remove soluble waste products, while those without use protonephridia.
Both of these systems use a two-stage filtration process, in which fluid and
waste products are first extracted and these are filtered again to re-absorb
any re-usable materials while dumping toxic and spent materials as urine.
The difference is that protonephridia
combine both filtration stages in
the same organ, while metanephridia perform only the second filtration and rely
on other mechanisms for the first – in annelids special filter cells in the
walls of the blood vessels let fluids and other small molecules pass into the
coelomic fluid, where it circulates to the metanephridia. In annelids the
points at which fluid enters the protonephridia or metanephridia are on the
forward side of a septum while the second-stage filter and the nephridiopore
(exit opening in the body wall) are in the following segment. As a result, the
hindmost segment (before the growth zone and pygidium) has no structure that
extracts its wastes, as there is no following segment to filter and discharge
them, while the first segment contains an extraction structure that passes
wastes to the second, but does not contain the structures that re-filter and
discharge urine.
Reproduction and
life cycle
Asexual reproduction
Polychaetes can reproduce asexually, by dividing into
two or more pieces or by budding off a new individual while the parent
remains a complete organism.Some oligochaetes, such as Aulophorus furcatus, seem to reproduce entirely asexually,
while others reproduce asexually in
summer and sexually in autumn. Asexual reproduction in oligochaetes is
always by dividing into two or more pieces, rather than by budding. However, leeches have never been seen reproducing asexually.Most
polychaetes and oligochaetes also use similar mechanisms to regenerate after
suffering damage. Two polychaete genera, Chaetopterus and Dodecaceria, can regenerate from a single segment, and
others can regenerate even if their heads are removed. Annelids are the most
complex animals that can regenerate after such severe damage. On the other
hand, leeches cannot regenerate.
Sexual reproduction
It is thought that annelids were originally
animals with two separate sexes, which released ova and sperm into the water via their nephridia. The fertilized eggs develop into trochophorelarvae, which live as plankton. Later they sink to the sea-floor and metamorphose into miniature adults: the part of the
trochophore between the apical tuft and the prototrochbecomes the prostomium (head); a small area
round the trochophore's anusbecomes the pygidium (tail-piece); a narrow
band immediately in front of that becomes the growth zone that produces new
segments; and the rest of the trochophore becomes the peristomium (the segment
that contains the mouth. About 14% use a similar external fertilization but produce
yolk-rich eggs, which reduce the time the larva needs to
spend among the plankton, or eggs from which miniature adults emerge rather
than larvae. The rest care for the fertilized eggs until they hatch – some by
producing jelly-covered masses of eggs which they tend, some by attaching the
eggs to their bodies and a few species by keeping the eggs within their bodies
until they hatch. These species use a variety of methods for sperm transfer;
for example, in some the females collect sperm released into the water, while
in others the males have a penis that inject sperm into the female. While
most polychaetes remain of one sex all their lives, a significant percentage of
species are full hermaphrodites or change sex during their lives. Most
polychaetes whose reproduction has been studied lack permanent gonads, and it is uncertain how they produce ova
and sperm. In a few species the rear of the body splits off and becomes a
separate individual that lives just long enough to swim to a suitable
environment, usually near the surface, and spawn.Most mature clitellates (the group that includes earthworms and leeches) are full hermaphrodites, although in a
few leech species younger adults function as males and become female at
maturity. All have well-developed gonads, and all copulate. Earthworms store their partners' sperm in spermathecae ("sperm stores") and then the clitellum produces a cocoon that collects ova from the ovaries and then sperm from the spermathecae.
Fertilization and development of earthworm eggs takes place in the cocoon.
Leeches' eggs are fertilized in the ovaries, and then transferred to the
cocoon. In all clitellates the cocoon also either produces yolk when the eggs
are fertilized or nutrients while they are developing. All clitellates hatch as
miniature adults rather than larvae.
Ecological significance
fertility. The
burrowers loosen the soil
so that oxygen and water can penetrate it, and both surface and burrowing worms help to produce soil by mixing organic and mineral
matter, by accelerating the decompositionof
organic matter and thus
making it more quickly available to other organisms, and by concentrating minerals and converting them
to forms that plants can use more easily. Earthworms are also important prey for birds ranging in
size from robins to storks, and for mammals ranging from shrews to badgers, and in some cases conserving earthworms may be essential for conserving endangered birds.Terrestrial annelids can be invasive in
some situations.
Burrowing species increase the penetration of water and oxygen into the
sea-floor sediment, which encourages the growth of populations of aerobic
bacteria and
small animals alongside their burrows.Although blood-sucking leeches do little direct harm to their victims, some transmit flagellatesthat can be very dangerous to their hosts.
Some small tube-dwelling oligochaetestransmit
that cause whirling
disease in fish.
Interaction with humans. Ragwormsare commercially
important as bait and as food sources for aquaculture, and there
have been proposals to farm them in order to reduce over-fishing of their
natural populations.Some marinepolychaetes' predation on molluscs causes serious
losses to fishery and aquaculture operations.Scientists
study aquatic annelids to
monitor the oxygen content, salinity and pollution levels in
fresh and marine water.
The use of leechesfor
the medically dubious practise of blood-letting have come from China around 30 AD
hence medical demand for leeches was so high that some areas' stocks were
exhausted and other regions imposed restrictions or bans on exports eg.Hirudo
medicinalis is
treated as an endangered species by both IUCN and CITES. More recently leeches have been used to assist in microsurgery, and their saliva has provided
anti-inflammatory compounds and several important anticoagulants, one of which also prevents tumors
from spreading.
Ragworms' jaws are strong but much lighter than the hard parts of many
other organisms, which are biomineralized with calcium salts. These advantages have attracted the
attention of engineers. Investigations showed that ragworm jaws are made of
unusual proteins that bind strongly to zinc.
7. Phylum Arthropoda
Classification of the Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum called Arthropoda (arthropods) is the largest and most successful of the animal phyla. All arthropods have segmented bodies divided into a head, jointed legs and abdomen. The major Classes of living arthropods are as follows with one example each:
ClassArachnida- spiders
ClassCrustacea- crabs Class Merostoma- horseshoe crabs
ClassDiplopoda - millipedes
ClassChilopoda- centipede
ClassInsecta or Hexopoda - insects
Class trilobites are an extinct group of arthropods that lived in the seas of the world for about 380 Mya (million years ago), from the Precambrian 610 Mya to around the end of the Permian 230 Mya.
Class Insecta – true insects are the most important members of the phylum Arthropoda. Typical adult insects have one pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, and three body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen. The class Insecta is divided into some 29 to 40 major orders. Insects make up more than half of all living things in the world. There are more than a million known species of insects and there are many more waiting to be discovered.
From the Greek Arthron a joint and Pous for foot
Characteristics of the Arthropoda:-
1)Bilaterally symmetrical (in most cases).
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body cavity a true coelom.
4)Most possesses a through straight gut with an anus (in most cases).
5)Body possesses 3 to 400+ pairs of jointed legs.
6)Body possesses an external skeleton (in most cases).
7)Body is divided in 2 or 3 sections.
8)Nervous system includes a brain and ganglia.
9)Possesses a respiratory system in the form of tracheae and spiracles (in most cases).
10)Possesses a open or lacunnar circulatory system with a simple heart, one or more arteries, and no veins, (in most cases).
11)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic, but can be parthenogenetic.
12)Feed on everything.
13)Live everywhere.
1)Bilaterally symmetrical (in most cases).
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body cavity a true coelom.
4)Most possesses a through straight gut with an anus (in most cases).
5)Body possesses 3 to 400+ pairs of jointed legs.
6)Body possesses an external skeleton (in most cases).
7)Body is divided in 2 or 3 sections.
8)Nervous system includes a brain and ganglia.
9)Possesses a respiratory system in the form of tracheae and spiracles (in most cases).
10)Possesses a open or lacunnar circulatory system with a simple heart, one or more arteries, and no veins, (in most cases).
11)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic, but can be parthenogenetic.
12)Feed on everything.
13)Live everywhere.
8. The Phylum Mollusca
From the Latin Molluscus meaning soft of body
After the
Arthropods the Molluscs are the most successful of the animal phyla in terms of
numbers of species. There are about 110,000 species known to science most of
which are marine. They occupy a vast range of habitats however both aquatic and
terrestrial, from the arctic seas to small tropical streams and from valleys to
mountainsides 7,000 metres high, there are a few adapted to live in deserts and
some are parasitic.
They also exhibit an enormous range in size, from
species which are almost microscopic to the largest of all invertebrates the
giant squid which can weighs 270 kg and measures up to 12 metres long in the
body, with tentacles as much as another 50 metres in length. Many species are
common and many more a beautiful. Most species secrete a shell of some sort,
these shells are long lasting and have been collected by human beings for
thousands of years, some of these shells, and the pearls which come from
oysters, which are also molluscs may be among the earliest forms of money.
The molluscs
include a number of familiar animals, including snails, oysters, clams,
octopuses and squids. Many species have a calcareous shell. Molluscs are
bilaterally symmetrical, although some have secondarily lost the symmetry in part;
they have well-developed excretory, digestive, respiratory and circulatory
systems. In all molluscs except the cephalopods, the circulatory system is
open. All molluscs are characterized by having three main body regions: a head-foot,
which is the sensory and locomotor part of the body; a visceral mass,
containing most of the organ systems; and a mantle, which covers the
visceral mass and secretes the shell, if one is present. Most molluscs also
have radula, a rasping structure covered with chitinous teeth, which is
used in feeding.
Molluscs are
probably closest phylogenetically to the annelids. Several lines of evidence
support this view. Both annelids and molluscs have very similar developmental
patterns and a similar type of ciliated larva, called a trochophore larva.
Unlike annelids, molluscs are not segmented, although one very primitive genus,
Neopilina, shows some signs of segmentation. Although molluscs are not
descended from annelids, it seems probable that the two groups evolved from a
common ancestor.
Characteristics of Mollusca:-
1)Bilaterally symmetrical.
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body without cavity.
4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.
5)Body monomeric and highly variable in form, may possess a dorsal or lateral shells of protein and calcareous spicules.
6)Has a nervous system with a circum-oesophagal ring, ganglia and paired nerve chords.
7)Has an open circulatory system with a heart and an aorta.
8)Has gaseous exchange organs called ctenidial gills.
9)Has a pair of kidneys.
10)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic.
11)Feed a wide range of material.
12)Live in most environments.
1)Bilaterally symmetrical.
2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.
3)Body without cavity.
4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.
5)Body monomeric and highly variable in form, may possess a dorsal or lateral shells of protein and calcareous spicules.
6)Has a nervous system with a circum-oesophagal ring, ganglia and paired nerve chords.
7)Has an open circulatory system with a heart and an aorta.
8)Has gaseous exchange organs called ctenidial gills.
9)Has a pair of kidneys.
10)Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic.
11)Feed a wide range of material.
12)Live in most environments.
13) Rasping organ called a radula; present
in all groups except bivalves and Aplacophora
14) Muscular foot used for locomotion and
other tasks
15) A sheath of tissue called a mantle that
covers the body and can secrete the shell (if there is one)
16) A mantle cavity that houses the gills
or lungs
A calcium shell present in most molluscs,
e.g., squid; while others have completely lost it e.g., slugs, nudibranchs and
of molluscs
Mollusks can be
segregated into seven classes: Aplacophora, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora,
Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, and Scaphopoda. These classes are
distinguished by, among other criteria, the presence and types of shells they
possess. Members of Class Aplacophora
includes worm-like animals with no shell and a rudimentary body structure.
Members of Class Monoplacophora have
a single shell that encloses the body. Members of Class Polyplacophora are better known as "chitons;" these
molluscs have a large foot on the ventral side and a shell composed of eight
hard plates on the dorsal side. Members of Class Bivalvia consists of mollusks
with two shells held together by a muscle; these include oysters, clams, and
mussels. Members of Class Gastropoda
have an asymmetricalbody plan and usually have a shell, which
can be planospiral or conispiral. Their key characteristic is the torsion
around the perpendicular axis on the center of the foot that is modified for
crawling while members of Class
Scaphopoda consists of mollusks with a single conical shell through which
the head protrudes, and a foot modified into tentacles known as captaculae that
are used to catch and manipulate prey.
Four classes of living molluscs:
: a respiratory system, in the form of a comb, in some molluscs
:the foot of a Scaphalopod, modified into tentacles for capturing prey
nephridium :a tubular excretory organ in some
Classes in Phylum Mollusca
1. Class Aplacophora
Class Aplacophora ("bearing no
plates") includes worm-like animals primarily found in benthic marine habitats. These animals lack a calcareous shell,
but possess aragonite spicules on their epidermis. They have a
rudimentary mantle cavity and lack eyes, tentacles, and nephridia (excretory organs).
2. Class Monoplacophora
Members of class Monoplacophora
("bearing one plate") posses a single, cap-like shell that encloses
the body. The morphology of the shell and the underlying animal can
vary from circular to ovate. A looped digestive system, multiple pairs of
excretory organs, many gills, and a pair of gonads are present in these animals. The
monoplacophorans were believed extinct and only known via fossil records until the discovery of Neopilina galathaea
in 1952. Today, scientists have identified nearly two dozen extant species.
3. Class Polyplacophora
The chitons are
characterized by an elliptical body with a shell composed of eight plates.
Animals in the class Polyplacophora
("bearing many plates") are commonly known as "chitons" and
bear an armor-like, eight-plated dorsal shell. These animals have a broad,
ventral foot that is adapted for suction to rocks and other substrates, and a mantle that extends beyond the
shell in the form of a girdle. Calcareous spines may be present on the girdle
to offer protection from predators. Chitons live worldwide, in cold water, warm
water, and the tropics. Most chiton species inhabit intertidal or subtidal
zones, and do not extend beyond the photic zone. Some species live quite high in the
intertidal zone and are exposed to the air and light for long periods.
4. Class Bivalvia
This class is characterized by a hinged shell with right and left
halves which covers the visceral mass. In bivalves the foot extends out between
the shells and is used for locomotion. The bivalves lack a radula. Familiar
bivalves include mussels, clams, and oysters. Bivalvia is a class of marine and freshwater molluscs
with laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell in two hinged parts.
Bivalves include clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, and numerous other families
of shells. The majority are filter feeders and have no head or radula. The gills have evolved into ctenidia, specialised organs for feeding and
breathing. Most bivalves bury themselves in sediment on the seabed, while others
lie on the sea floor or attach themselves to rocks or other hard surfaces. The
shell of a bivalve is composed of calcium carbonate, and consists of two,
usually similar, parts called valves. These are joined together along one edge
by a flexible ligament that, in conjunction with interlocking "teeth"
on each of the valves, forms the hinge.
Class Gastropoda
In this group
the visceral mass is contained in a spirally coiled shell (which may be
secondarily reduced or absent), there is a distinct head with one or two pairs
of tentacles, and the foot is large and flat. This group includes the snails
and slugs. Animals in class Gastropoda ("stomach foot") include
well-known mollusks like snails, slugs, conchs, sea hares, and sea butterflies.
Gastropoda includes shell-bearing species as well as species with a reduced
shell. These animals are asymmetrical and usually present a coiled shell.
Shells may be planospiral (like a garden hose wound up), commonly seen in
garden snails, or conispiral (like a spiral staircase), commonly seen in marine
The visceral mass in the shelled species displays torsion
around the perpendicular axis on the center of the foot, which is the key
characteristic of this group, along with a foot that is modified for crawling .
Most gastropods bear a head with tentacles, eyes, and a style. A complex radula is used by the digestive system and
aids in the ingestion of food. Eyes may be absent in some
gastropods species. The mantle cavity encloses the ctenidia (singluar:
ctenidium) as well as a pair of nephridia (singular: nephridium).
6. Class Cephalopoda
Members of this group have a prominent head with complex eyes and
eight to ten (or more) tentacles surrounding the mouth. The shell may be
internal or external. This group includes the squids and octopi. Class Cephalopoda ("head foot"
animals) includes octopi, squids, cuttlefish, and nautilus. Cephalopods are a
class of shell-bearing animals as well as mollusks with a reduced shell. They
display vivid coloration, typically seen in squids and octopi, which is used
for camouflage. All animals in this class are carnivorous
predators and have beak-like jaws at the anterior end. All cephalopods show the
presence of a very well-developed nervous system along with eyes, as well as a closed circulatory
system. The foot is lobed and developed into tentacles and a funnel, which is
used as the mode of locomotion. Locomotion in cephalopods is facilitated by
ejecting a stream of water for propulsion ("jet" propulsion) .
Cephalopods, such as squids and octopi, also produce sepia or a dark ink, which
is squirted upon a predator to assist in a quick getaway. Suckers are present
on the tentacles in octopi and squid. Ctenidia are enclosed in a large mantle
cavity serviced by blood vessels, each with its own associated heart. The
mantle has siphonophores that facilitate exchange of water. Cephalopods
("head foot") include this octopus, which ejects a stream of water
from a funnel in its body to propel itself through the water. A pair of
nephridia is present within the mantle cavity. Sexual
dimorphism is seen in this class of animals. Members
of a species mate, then the female lays the eggs in a secluded and protected
niche. Females of some species care for the eggs for an extended period of time
and may end up dying during that time period. Reproduction in cephalopods is different from other
mollusks in that the egg hatches to produce a juvenile adult without undergoing
the trochophore and veliger larval stages.
7. Class Scaphopoda
Members of class Scaphopoda ("boat
feet") are known colloquially as "tusk shells" or "tooth
shells," as evident when examining Dentalium, one of the few remaining
scaphopod genera. Scaphopods are usually buried in sand with the anterior
opening exposed to water. These animals bear a single conical shell, which has
both ends open . The head is rudimentary and protrudes out of the posterior end
of the shell. These animals do not possess eyes, but they have a radula, as
well as a foot modified into tentacles with a bulbous end, known as captaculae.
Captaculae serve to catch and manipulate prey. Ctenidia are absent in these
Other Mollusca
Characteristic features
Have Body Plan
Head foot- cephalopods
Contains sensory
organs and muscles,
Visceral mass: contains
digestive, reproductive, circulatory organs,
•Mantle: skin of
the dorsal body wallsecretes the shell (if there is one), cavity contains gills
or lungs, Feeding and Digestion:There
are both free living and parasitic forms, Most species use a tongue like organ
called a radulawhen feeding
Circulatory System-open
circulatory system (in most classes).
Have heart and blood sinuses, Heartcoelom.
and dioecious species exist,•usually internal fertilization,•indirect
development with the presence of a trochophore larva (link to annelids), and in
most cases also a veligerlarva. Trochophore,
Torsion-twisting of the
visceral mass through a 80°rotation•1st90°rotation usually occurs at the
veligerstage •the 2nd90°rotation usually takes longer and occurs later•after
torsion, the anus and mantle cavity end up over the head•this poses a serious
fouling problem and many gastropods have lost their right gills, kidneys and
heart auricles
Phylum Echinodermata
Echinodermata are so named owing to their
spiny skin (from the Greek "echinos" meaning "spiny" and
"dermos" meaning "skin"). This phylum is a collection of
about 7,000 described living species. Echinodermata are exclusively marine
organisms. Sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sand dollars, and brittle
stars are all examples of echinoderms . To date, no freshwater or terrestrial
echinoderms are known.
Free living exclusively marine forms.
Adults are radially symmetrical while
larvae are bilaterally symmetrical.
Body is represented by a central disc
covered by ossicles with spines called pedicellaria.
Disc may bear extensions called arms.
Digestive system is complete.
A unique ambulacral or water vascular
system is present.
Tube feet are present for locomotion and
respiration. Tube feet are extended and retracted by variation in hydraulic
pressure of the fluid in them and contraction of their muscles.
Nervous system has a central nerve ring
with five radiating nerves.
Reproduction is sexual. Sexes are separate.
Development is indirect.
Show very high power of regeneration.
Tube feet are for feeding as well.
Morphology and Anatomy
Adult echinoderms exhibit pentaradial
symmetry and have a calcareous endoskeleton made of ossicles, although the early larval stages of all
echinoderms have bilateral symmetry . The endoskeleton is developed by
epidermal cells and may possess pigment cells that give vivid colors to these
animals, as well as cells laden with toxins. Echinoderms possess a simple
digestive system which varies according to the animal's diet. Starfish are
mostly carnivorous and have a mouth, oesophagus, two-part pyloric stomach with
a pyloric duct leading to the intestine and rectum, with the anus located in
the center of the aboral body surface. In many species, the large cardiac stomach can be everted and digest food
outside the body. Gonads are present in each arm. In echinoderms
such as sea stars, every arm bears two rows of tube feet on the oral side which
help in attachment to the substratum. These animals possess a true coelom that is modified into a unique circulatory
system called a water vascular system. The more notably distinct trait, which
most echinoderms have, is their remarkable powers of regeneration of tissue,
organs, limbs, and, in some cases, complete regeneration from a single limb.
Water Vascular System
possess a unique ambulacral or water vascular system, consisting of a central
ring canal and radial canals that extend along each arm . Water circulates
through these structures and facilitates gaseous exchange as well as nutrition,
predation, and locomotion. The water vascular system also projects from holes
in the skeleton in the form of tube feet. These tube feet can expand or
contract based on the volume of water (hydrostatic pressure) present in the
system of that arm.
The madreporite is a light-colored, calcerous opening used
to filter water into the water vascular system of echinoderms. Acting as a
pressure-equalizing valve, it is visible as a small red or yellow button-like
structure (similar to a small wart) on the aboral surface of the central disk
of a sea star. Close up, it is visibly structured, resembling a
"madrepore" colony. From this, it derives its name. Water enters the
madreporite on the aboral side of the echinoderm. From there, it passes into
the stone canal, which moves water into the ring canal. The ring canal connects
the radial canals (there are five in a pentaradial animal), and the radial
canals move water into the ampullae, which have tube feet through which the water
moves. By moving water through the unique water vascular system, the echinoderm
can move and force open mollusk shells during feeding.
Other Body Systems
The nervous system in these animals is a
relatively simple structure with a nerve ring at the center and five radial
nerves extending outward along the arms. Structures analogous to a brain or derived from fusion of ganglia are not present in
these animals.
Podocytes, cells specialized for ultrafiltration of
bodily fluids, are present near the center of echinoderms. These podocytes are
connected by an internal system of canals to the madreporite.
Echinoderms are sexually dimorphic and
release their eggs and sperm cells into water; fertilization is external. In some species, the larvae
divide asexually and multiply before they reach sexual maturity. Echinoderms
may also reproduce asexually, as well as regenerate body parts lost in trauma.
The phylum Echinodamata is divided into five classes.
Nature of the disc
Nature of the arm
Compressed along the oro-aboral axis
Five, continuous with the disc
Sea star, Asteria (starfish)
Compressed along the oro-aboral axis
Five, long and slender demarkated from the absent
Ophiothrix, brittle star
Globular or flat
Echinus (sea urchin), sand dollar
Elongated cylindrical
Modified into tentacles
Holothuria(sea cucumber)
Rediced. Attached to the substratum
Ten, long and branched
Antedon (sea lily), feather star